Thanks to the power of pilots, resilience and holding the key for external organizations wanting to break into your space, being a complex organization that is tight on funding does not count you out when it comes to innovation. How can you support the use of pilot sandboxes to advance change? Why are alliances with other innovators in your organization imperative? Do external organizations want to break into your industry?
Join us for our Evolve webinar, Forging a Culture of Innovation, with Emory Healthcare’s Drs. Julie Hollberg and Scott Boden in conversation with Elizabeth Sprouse from Double Lantern Informatics on how they have succeed in effecting innovation and are helping external organizations understand what it takes to develop and market solutions to healthcare – themes that can be applied within the healthcare industry and beyond.
Friday April 30, 12:00-1:30 EST
Brought to you by the Evolve Innovation Network, co-convened by SwitchPitch and Orange Sparkle Ball.