How Thinking Through the Lens of Both Public Health and Business Will Allow You to Plan for the Future of Your Organization

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… Scenario Planning in the Time of COVID-19 ...


When business leaders across the globe went into planning for their current fiscal year, it is unlikely they predicted what was ahead of them. Suddenly, they had to pivot, become versed in the principles of public health without formal training, and lead their organizations in achieving economic continuity, employee/customer safety and new business models. This would be no small feat under the best circumstances. 

If you are one of these business leaders, as you have come out of the immediate emergency response, you are likely now faced with strategically navigating the path forward, attempting to determine:

  • What does this now mean for me as a decision maker in an organization? 

  • How can I factor the public health data into my planning for the organization? 

  • How do different epidemic scenarios change how I might approach the next 18 months?

Determining these answers requires looking through the lens of both public health and business. This workshop will guide you through taking a holistic look at your organization, while also factoring in various scenarios of how the epidemic may unfold. With a more comprehensive view of the next 18 months, you can position your organization to adapt as needed, while the globe navigates this pandemic.

Learn More.

In partnership with Double Lantern Informatics.

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash