Introducing: OSB Looks at Sustainability

The climate crisis touches everything. 

Wait, isn’t that what we always say about public health? Yes, both of those statements are true. At OSB we are systems thinkers, and with that approach comes the realization that every facet of our world is intertwined. To ignore any, such as health or business, leaves a crucial piece out of the puzzle needed to create successful solutions. 

With the climate crisis, it’s paramount that we approach the topic with an intersectional lens. Climate change is rapidly accelerating, but our collective thinking is lagging behind. It isn’t just about icebergs and polar bears. To quote a friend of OSB, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett,

“We have missed the mark in making the polar bear the poster child of climate change because it affects human health… our children, my grandma, other people uniquely burdened by climate change, those need to be the faces that motivate us to act.” 

We need to look broadly at corporate responsibility, health inequality, advancing technologies, governmental policy, and community strategies. It’s at the center of this unique collection of considerations that OSB focuses our work, and why we’re kicking off a new series around examining what is happening and what needs to happen across industries and systems to combat the climate crisis. 

That’s all incredibly broad and vague sounding, huh? Purposefully so, since we’ll be covering a range of topics all under this huge umbrella. We would love to hear from you if there’s anything in particular keeping you up at night or questions you’re asking like: What new technology is emerging? How can we get a consensus around language? What can I personally do? Feel free to send us an email at

Writing by Sophie Becker, Design Innovation Strategist at Orange Sparkle Ball, Inc.