Midpoint Update | Project-Centered Innovation Coaching for the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation

Since April, Orange Sparkle Ball has been partnered with the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation (PIN) to implement project-centered Innovation Coaching as a core offering of their Leaders Program. To read more about the PIN Leaders Program, check out our previous blog here.

The Leaders Program kicked off with in-person presentations by both OSB and PIN teams, who had the opportunity to meet with project teams and share invaluable insights on leadership development.

Hear from OSB’s Ashley Touchton and Diego Perez from the kickoff event.

Since the kickoff the OSB team has been meeting with teams from across the Southeast region to accelerate progress in their unique projects. The 2024 PIN Leaders Program cohort includes teams representing Thomasville, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Albany, Georgia; and Kentucky and Tennessee. While each team has individual project focuses, the cohort is broadly focused on strengthening innovation ecosystems, encouraging entrepreneurial activity, and supporting inclusive economic development within their respective communities.

As part of PIN’s programming, the entire cohort attended an in-person midpoint convening held here in Atlanta! Also in attendance were several key members of the OSB team who have been instrumental to supporting teams’ project progress.

Hear from Diego Perez at the midpoint convening about how OSB has enabled project progress for teams thus far:

Hear from Amy Qu about the value of PIN programming for teams during the midpoint convening:

Each of the teams will move into preparing for their final pitch deck presentations in October, where they will not only share their learnings from the PIN program with PIN and OSB teams, but with external funders and potential partners.

Written by Nix Fisch, Digital Media Strategist and Amy Qu, Innovation Strategist